Breathing more now, but not for long

The last few days have been just a tiny bit more quiet and I can finally have *some rest at night. I like being busy but the last weeks have been ridiculous. In a few days work will catch up and take my time away again. Plus I have to study some more for the exams. The good part is that I have some work already done so I think I won’t have to work till very late.

Apart from work and boring stuff, I went with the flow and finally signed up for facebook. I was quite septic but I must admit it was a pleasant surprise.

I’ve discovered, thanks to a University college in facebook a really great site to discover music:  thesixtyone . Check it out.

I’m trying out gnome-shell with the new message tray, pretty cool 🙂 Check it out as well! I just hope Xorg doesn’t lock on me with KMS…



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