Etiqueta: free

  • Gregarius – Open Source web-based feed reader

    For several years I’ve been using Liferea to read my web feeds and it has always done a good job, although it can be a bit slow if you have lots of feeds. Since I have 2 computers it’s always a pain to keep the feeds in sync. For this reason I’ve been considering moving to […]

  • Free Public Wifi

    Hoje descobri uma rede na minha vizinhança com este nome: Free Public Wifi. Não tenho conhecimento que alguma entidade tenha montado uma rede wifi gratuita aqui na vizinhança. Isso seria óptimo. Será alguma alma caridosa que o fez? Se o fez algo ainda não está a 100% já que apesar de detectar a rede não […]

  • My first wordpress installation!

    After being on for some months and a short passage in blogger, I decided to host my weblog. It’s a free host but it works with wordpress very well. Her’s the link. You have mySQL data-base and php. Also 250 MB storage an 100GB data transfer. It’s not bad for a free host! They […]